Some of the highest peaks in Northern Spain are located in Picos de Europa National Park, and many of the meadows are set more than 1.500 m. above the sea level. This is the suitable environment  for most of the alpine birds like Alpine Accentor, Snowfinch, Wallcreeper, Yellow and Red -billed chough and much more.

Wallcreeper, Sonowfinch and Alpine Accentor are probably the most representative and also one the most sought birds for European birdwatchers in Picos de Europa National Park. All of them can be watched just with a simple walk to the upland areas.

Wallcreeper is a small bird, red, grey and black and with a distinctive long and curved downward beak. It is known like the “hoopoe of the rock face”, or “The bird that flies like a butterfly”. They are hard to see if are quiet, but when they fly, the rounded wings are absolutely unforgettable.

Snowfinches have conspicuous white panels on tail and wings especially visible in flight. Breed in small colonies in cliffs and fly fast and powerful. Alpine Accentor, is probably the easiest bird to be found. Is a sociable bird, that mos of the times can be found in small groups specially in barren areas with low-growing plants.

Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor

BIRD TARGET. In addition to the birds cited above, other species like Griffon Vulture, Egyptian vulture, Golden Eagle, Booted Eagle, Common Buzzard, ravens, crows, Water Pipit, Yellow and Red billed Choughs…etc. This is also a good place to observe Cantabrian Chamois.

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