Woodpeckers are, together with some forest raptors and passerines one of the most colourful and interesting birds that habit our forests. Their habitat (dense forest) and their elusive behaviour make our observations exciting and unforgettable. In our environment 4 species of woodpeckers can be found.

The Great Spotted Woodpecker, easily observed in most of the clumps of trees and forests, and the Green Woodpecker, distinctive for the green colours and the preference for meadows and forest clearings, are the most common ones in the boundary of Picos de Europa National Park.

The Black Woodpecker completely black and with red hood (bigger in males), is the biggest and probably the most spectacular. And finally, the Middle Spotted Woodpecker, the scarcest, is without any doubt, an amazing challenge for most of the European birdwatchers.

All of them, with varying degrees of difficulty, can be observed in the woods, forests and meadows in Picos de Europa National Park. Our method is simple. We’ll walk into the woods as quietly as possible and often, we’ll make stops to listen. Their calls and pecks on the trunks will be our best guide to their location

BIRD TARGET. Deciduous forests in northern Spain are plenty of birds and mammals. Other birds that can be observed all along the trip, are some forest raptors such the Common Buzzard, Sparrowawk and Goshawk and passerines like Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Crested Tit, Flycatchers etc. Also we can find mammals such Roe Deer, Squirrels and much more.


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